
Below are products we offer. We will be continuing to update our products offered so please check back to see which products are available. We also offer design and manufacturing of custom harnesses used in the vending industry. For more information on services we offer, or to become a certified reseller, please contact us via our contact page.

MDB to Micro Mech Kit

MDB to Micro Mech Kit

MDB to Micro Mech Conversion Kit with Credit Card Interface

MDB to Micro Mech Kit with Dex

MDB to Micro Mech Kit with Dex

MDB to Micro Mech Conversion Kit with Credit Card Interface and DEX

Hamilton ACW 4/5 Retrofit Kit

Hamilton ACW 4/5 Retrofit Kit

Hamilton ACW 4/5 Retrofit Kit MDB Kit with Credit Card Interface

Hamilton Gold Line Retrofit Kit

Hamilton Gold Line Retrofit Kit

Hamilton Gold Line Retrofit Kit MDB Kit with Credit Card Interface

Unitec Wash Select II Retrofit Kit

Unitec Wash Select II Retrofit Kit

Unitec Wash Select II Retrofit Kit MDB Kit with Credit Card Interface

4 Digit Credit Display

4 Digit Credit Display

ACD 4 Digit Credit Display Module